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Training and Education

Illegal Drugs, Legal Highs, Alcohol, Steriods & Suppliments

LCS provides outstanding independently evaluated substance misuse training and education.


  • Basic Drug and Alcohol Awareness training
  • Community focused drug and alcohol training
  • Specialist training for professionals
  • Tailored training packages to meet the demands of specific roles or situations.
We can offer;
  • Flexibility in the design of programs.
  • Accurate, up to date and informative teaching and learning.
  • Professional knowledge and expertise on Drugs, Alcohol and Treatment Interventions.
  • Specific training for practitioners at Tiers 1, 2 &3.
  • A wide range of subjects including legal highs, steroids and supplements.



For Business, Voluntary and Stautory Sector and Schools


Drugs Awareness Foundation


  • Teaching about all drugs, including illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco, volatile substances legal highs and steroids.

  • Teaching about over-the-counter and prescription medicines, protein shakes and energy drinks.

  • The short and long term effects and risks of drugs

  • The rules and laws relating to drugs

  • Attitudes towards drugs, drug use and drug users, including challenging misconceptions about their peers, stereotypes, and exploring media and social influences

  • Issues relating to specific drugs as a result of an incident in school, local intelligence, increased media attention, or pupil interest.

Drug Awareness 


  • Origins of supply market: Target customer, location, routes in for product, route out for profits, local ability to gain revenue.

  • Product knowledge: Identification, effects, side effects, paraphernalia, long term short term risks.

  • Generic user profile: Daily movements and motivations of user group.

  • Dealer markets: Open, semi-open and closed markets.

  • Detection: Intelligence gathering, using the skills of existing departments and support agencies to map hotspots or target new markets.

  • Treatment agencies: Support services used in partnership to maintain local mapping and to illicit social change within market.

Alcohol Awarenes
  • Positive and negative aspects of alcohol culture

  • Understanding and awareness of the workings of ethanol on the mind and body.

  • Understanding units, unit calculation, absorption, depletion.

  • Ability to understand how to stay within sensible drinking limits

  • How we get drunk, duty of care when drunk and how we die. 

  • What makes us so stupid we get into trouble.

  • Social factors and the influence they play on different social groups.

Drug & Alcohol in the Workplace


  • The impact of substance misuse for the workplace

  • Knowledge of substances, their names, uses, effects & dangers

  • What is drug and alcohol misuse?

  • Identifying signs and symptoms and paraphernalia of possible drug and alcohol misuse

  • What  illegal drugs look like and how they are misused

  • Myths & attitudes that surround drug & alcohol use

  • The legal aspect of Drugs and Alcohol in the Workplace

  • The help available for Drug and Alcohol problems


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