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Legal Highs 





Lindsey Smith has 25 years’ experience of working in the field of Drugs and Alcohol as a front line worker, consultant and trainer and is a recognized expert in the field.

Training & Education


LCS works with Business, the Community Sector and Schools. We provide outstanding independently evaluated substance misuse training and education. Including Drugs, Alcohol, Legal Highs, Steroids and Supplements.


LCS can provide Business, Law Enforcement, the Community  and Education Sector with expert information, support and advice on substance misuse issues


“Thank you so much for agreeing to attend our recent HSS Roadshows, you were fabulous! Your unique presentation style, subject and humour well and truly landed in our teams heads! If you don’t believe me, take a look at the attached stats…. I thought you might like to see just how popular your talk was over all 6 days!” It was a pleasure to work with you.” Lucy Innes, HSS Lead, from UK Power Network Services 


Excellent practice, I must come down and see how Lindsey runs the project with a view to adapting the approach to other areas of crime ASS. Chief Constable P. Hermitage Kent Constabulary.


“There was lots of information and very understandable.” “It was clear to understand and helped us to be safe instead of just saying ‘don’t drink.’” “I have learnt how dangerous alcohol can be.” “It was very different than most lectures.” Student Feedback on Lindsey’s Education on Alcohol.


“Very effective work in support of the Army’s stance on drug misuse. Your work is one of the most credible and effective approaches to drug and alcohol education we have yet deployed.” Colonel S M Andrews MBE. Ministry of Defense


It raised awareness of different levels of drug use and viewed it from the client's perspective. It will help us to support client's and parents alike.  Feedback from Voluntary Sector worker.

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