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Drug & Alcohol Education in Schools, Colleges and Youth Groups

For the past 25 years LCS Consultancy has been delivering effective education on alcohol and drugs in Schools, Colleges and Youth Groups throughout South East England in both the public and private sector. LSC workshops develop pupils’ knowledge, skills, attitudes and understanding about all drugs. As part of your PSHE program, these workshops can help deliver quality drugs and alcohol education to to children and younng people with the aim of reducing the risks and harm associated them.  


LSC can also offer one to one advice, support and counselling and targeted advice and support to smaller groups of children and young people who may already be misusing alcohol and drugs helping to minimize harm and reduce consumption.


Training can also be offered to increase Teachers and Youth Leaders knowledge.


LSC Drug and Alcohol Education Workshops

LSC workshops deliver information to pupils that is factually accurate. Their emphasis is on truth and not fear arousal. The situations, language and images are appropriate for pupils’ maturity, understanding and knowledge and are up-to-date and relevant to pupils. The workshops can also take into account and adapt to pupils with Special Needs. Workshops are power-point presentation with video clips, audience interaction and humour.

ALCOHOL AWARENESS workshops includes:


  • Positive and negative aspects of alcohol culture

  • Understanding and awareness of the workings of ethanol on the mind and body.

  • Understanding units, unit calculation, absorption, depletion.

  • Ability to understand how to stay within sensible drinking limits

  • How we get drunk, duty of care when drunk and how we die. 

  • What makes us so stupid we get into trouble.

  • Social factors and the influence they play on different social groups.

Drugs AWARENESS Workshops includes:
  • Teaching about all drugs, including illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco, volatile substances legal highs and steroids.

  • Teaching about over-the-counter and prescription medicines, protein shakes and energy drinks.

  • The short and long term effects and risks of drugs

  • The rules and laws relating to drugs

  • Attitudes towards drugs, drug use and drug users, including challenging misconceptions about their peers, stereotypes, and exploring media and social influences

  • Issues relating to specific drugs as a result of an incident in school, local intelligence, increased media attention, or pupil interest.



“Effective education is essential in tackling drug and alcohol misuse.” Department for Health


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